Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Throughout the whole of Scripture, we see God’s passionate heart for men on full display. He created each of us distinctly as men, and therefore cares deeply about how we relate to Him, relate to each other, and how we walk through the varied lives we lead in our families, our work, our play, and our rest. Through men’s ministry here at Canaan Christian Covenant, our desire is to learn, practice and demonstrate how we should live and interact with within our culture as Kingdom Men.  Our goal is to develop a brotherhood rooted deeply in the love of Christ. We gather on the 1st Saturday of the month at 8:30 am to study Scripture, share some snacks, and get to know one another.  We invite you to join us as we spend time together, laugh, and share burdens. Let us be united as we seek a deeper understanding of ourselves, our God, and the abundant lives He has called us to as men.
The Men's Ministry was established to help strengthen us individually and collectively so we can win back our families, neighborhoods and cities one by one. As Kingdom men, we are called to move from male-hood, to boyhood, to manhood. Unfortunately, too many males are stuck in the boyhood stage.  When God created men, he created us to rule under His authority. Unless we use our spiritual energy as God as designed us we will not be as successful and effective for the Kingdom as we have been called. Without focusing on God and His Kingdom, we can find ourselves in a cycle of defeat , discouragement, confusion, rebellion, addiction and a host of other things that leaves us in spiritual, political, social and racial states of chaos. God has called us to let our lights so shine that others may see our good works, glorify our Father in heaven, and cause His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.  
Joining our monthly meetings will help you to reach your God given potential and be less of what you have been and more like Jesus.

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